Democracy’s holy day

If you’ll pardon me for conflating Samuel Johnson and Bruce Charlton, the first Whig was the devil and universal suffrage is his instrument.

Where there is a vote, there the decision-making process has become a matter of psychological manipulation; displacing virtue and truth, trampling beauty. . . .

Once people have become used to relying on a procedure as utterly indefensible as voting to make their most important decisions, once they have been induced to regard voting as if it was not just ethically acceptable but in fact the pinnacle of goodness, the one-and-only ethical behaviour; then these people are embarked on a path of apostasy, inversion of values, and self-destruction.

People who have given their allegiance to voting as the most valid, authoritative and moral decision-making procedure have been manipulated into a self-reinforcing psychosis in which a system of zero validity, zero authority and zero morality is treated with quasi-divine reverence.

Tomorrow is the holy day of democracy in the US. You should not celebrate this holy day. In other words, don’t vote.

Instead, you should watch this documentary about a modern democratic ideal, Marion Barry. It’s available to stream on Netflix. Behold, the decision making process of democracy! Progress!

There are three main reasons you shouldn’t vote.

1) If you’ve found your way to this dark and irrelevant corner of the internet, you likely know (whether you accepted all the logical conclusions or not) that everyone is not created equal.

Voting used to be confined to a ruling class that had vested interests in the long-term stability of society. It’s now the ultimate expression of equalitarianism, an orgy of non-judgmentalism, a carnival of wishful thinking.

No decision of any kind should be made by asking everyone what their opinion is and weighting their responses equally. The quality of our governance has declined as our system has come closer and closer to this (ultimately religious) ideal.

2) Let’s face it, you have no business governing others. If you vote for an idiot (which is a certainty unless you write somebody in) your are not held responsible for your failure. The notion that all can govern all is another religious belief that’s just plain wrong.

3) The major issues are not up for a vote anyway. The leftward march of our politics continue regardless of who is elected. Any sense you have that you have some control over this is an illusion. By giving in to this illusion, you make it worse.

Under this democratic system, we know what the future holds (HT to the Paleo Retiree). I particularly like the last video in the set.

8 Responses to Democracy’s holy day

  1. There is one good reason for voting. Not voting is scene as an act of rebellion. And it is a great tenet of strategy not to actively rebel until you have the forces to win. Resistance invites counter-strike, and a counter strike when you are outgunned is destructive to your own cause. This is the great fallacy of being a Republican.

    But while not voting is an act of rebellion, once you are in the privacy of the polling booth you can make any statement you wish, it will not be noticed. So go vote, but leave your ballot blank or vote for Thomas Carlyle or whomever you wish to satisfy your own conscience.

  2. RS-prime says:

    How is voting for Thomas Carlisle, George III, or George Monck not an act of rebellion. I guess it’s not because no one reading the piece of paper will know who those people are, save for King George.

  3. James says:

    My opinion on voting is shared with Gilray:

    A benign constitution makes its way nimbly between the rock of democracy (depicted with a French Phrygian cap—the painting is dated 1793) and the whirlpool of arbitrary power.

    Moldbug’s line on political reality today, with which I also agree, is that we should certainly give the rock a wide berth—and we are doing so, otherwise the vessel of the constitution would already have foundered—but our real government, well disguised by its elective facade, veers towards the whirlpool, and now the ship is slowly circling Charybdis.

    I say what needs to happen, at some point, is for the sailors to restore the vessel’s compass and get back on track. The thought of James Hansen, Elizabeth Warren or Bryan Caplan being unleashed is quite disturbing. Moldbug believes that instead, if the vessel were to aim directly for the centre of the whirlpool, like The Rocinante, it would be sucked through and into a new, joyful dimension. A lack of verifiable information about dimension-X makes me wary of this idea.

  4. Red says:

    What about voting via jury system?

  5. dearieme says:

    “Likewise, the ‘Romney is a raging conservative’ claim must be an effort to make a dull contest between two mediocrities, for an over-rated office that isn’t really all that powerful, appear more interesting than it is.”

  6. asdf says:

    I usually vote for my local ballot initiatives, but not candidates.

  7. brian says:

    i wish they would make election day a secular holiday.

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